Every summer I take the boys to Oregon to spend time at my folks. I love and need this time with them. They get to run around in fields, drive  go – carts, swim and listen to bullfrogs. My mom is an excellent frog catcher. My youngest has a quick eye to spot them. Oh […]

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Putting this post together was a little harder than I anticipated. Maybe that’s why the images have been sitting on my camera for the past two months. I lost my dad in April, my boys – they lost their grandpa.  I think about him everyday, and we all miss him more than I thought even […]

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Before getting back into the routine of school and work, a visit to the beach was a must. I love to pack up the car, load the boys in and just head over the hills towards the ocean. We are lucky to live so close. A day spent in the sun surrounded by the ocean […]

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Cookies for Santa. There is so much excitement in our home, it’s about to bust! We took advantage of our first day of Winter Break and made cookies. This is my second photo essay with the group, Pieces of Life. One image is shared over at Clickin’ Mom Daily project.  My life with two boys […]

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I had big plans to take an image each day for something I am thankful for. An image was not taken everyday, but the thought was certainly there. November was an insanely busy month, but each time I was out photographing families I was reminded by how much beauty surrounds us everyday. Something as simple […]

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This is my first photo essay for Pieces of Life, a new group project with some pretty talented ladies. Each month we will share an image over at Clickin’ Moms Daily project. I’m excited to be a part of this, and to share little bits here and there of my life with two boys and […]

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Dear Ryan, I have an 8 year old. What’s that you say? 8? How can that be? Was it not just yesterday I was holding your chubby little hand crossing the street? I certainly don’t feel any older, maybe more tired – but not older. You decided to have a water gun fight Birthday party, […]

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Dear Ryan, We are in the swing of summer schedule. This means you wake up too early, and go to bed too late. I’m sure there will be a day when I am dragging you out of bed in the morning – but as it stands you apparently are a morning person.  I don’t sign […]

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Dear Christopher, You graduated from PreK last week! The weeks leading up to this I would go through waves of happiness to sadness.  Finally I will have both my boys at the same school.  My life and driving schedule will be instantly simplified. But, you are my youngest – my baby. I felt your innocence […]

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Dear Ryan, You tagged along a couple of nights ago when I had a quick mini session. As we got into the car and pulled out of the parking lot I couldn’t help but notice how pretty the light was at that moment. There was once a time when you would hop into position anytime […]

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Dear Christopher, You turned 5 this week! You have been so excited for your Birthday and to finally be 5 – that’s a whole hand! As I watched you open your presents I couldn’t help but get a little teary eyed. When people ask you how old your kids are, it still sounds like you’ve […]

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Dear Ryan and Christopher, We are lucky to live so close to the ocean. It is by far my most favorite place to spend time with you both. You love the water, looking for shells, and chasing each other in the surf. It’s nearly impossible to get Christopher out of the water. Most times you […]

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