I have two boys and know that sometimes our house sounds like wrestle mania, with added laughter and giggles. I’ve learned that tackling, wrestling, head locks etc… are just a part of life raising my sons. As long as no one is really getting hurt, I’m cool. This family has 3 little boys, and I […]

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It’s pretty cool when I get to photograph people that I know. We are already comfortable with each other, and have a good sense of our personalities. I’ve been fortunate to be asked twice to photograph this family. Even more fortunate that they are my neighbors. See? I told you, cool huh?

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Every summer I take the boys to Oregon to spend time at my folks. I love and need this time with them. They get to run around in fields, drive  go – carts, swim and listen to bullfrogs. My mom is an excellent frog catcher. My youngest has a quick eye to spot them. Oh […]

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