An emotion driven experience

Dear Ryan & Christopher,

It’s the month of December and I find there is a daily balance of over indulgence for the holidays and reminding you both what Christmas is about. Decorating the tree, or the case for this year each of your little trees ( I mentioned the over indulgence already, right? ) Checking each day the advent calendar and making a gingerbread house have all topped the list, and it’s only the first week! There is also a balance between believing in Santa and choosing to believe in the spirit of Christmas. I choose to encourage the belief in both and talk about ways to strengthen that belief with each of you.

Ryan, I can tell you are starting to question if there is a Santa. This makes me a little heart broken, so we talk about the magic of what Santa means to you and to other children. Christopher likes to push the issue by peeking at the advent early, but you remind him quickly that the surprise and magic will disappear if you don’t have patience and believe.

Decorating the tree has been a favorite for Christopher this year. You are so excited to light it up, and enjoy sitting on the couch and looking at the lights with me. I have fond memories of sitting in front of the tree with my mom and sister. Sitting in silence, letting the glow from the lights illuminate the room and just be completely happy with that moment. You visited Santa yesterday and were so surprised that he was at the mall and took time away from his workshop! You whispered to him that you would like a stuffed snake – your current animal obsession.

As brothers, you constantly wrestle and tease each other. It’s exhausting, but I’m learning that this is just what brothers do! I am lucky to be the mommy to two happy little boys. It’s important to remember the magic you bring to my life every day too.

Love, Mom

Please be sure to take the time and check out Kara’s post. She loves the magic of Christmas just as much!



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  1. Kimberly says:

    What a beautiful letter with such sweet, wise words. I loved it and what a perfect image to go along with it!

  2. Katrina says:

    Kristin, your letter and image sum up so much of the magic of childhood. I love it! Christmastime is wonderful for many reasons, but one of them is definitely seeing it all through the eyes of our kids. I love that Christopher asked for a stuffed snake. Adorable!

  3. Tracy says:

    This image is just perfect, a perfect moment of two brothers and their happiness. I have two boys too and am finding that same balance … of having fun and being happy and teasing and wrestling, of believing and wondering. Your letter is such a nice reminder to remember the magic of the season and of childhood.

  4. Linda H says:

    Your words on the belief in the spirit of Christmas really spoke to me! What a gorgeous image! The brotherly love makes me smile!


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