I have two boys and know that sometimes our house sounds like wrestle mania, with added laughter and giggles. I’ve learned that tackling, wrestling, head locks etc… are just a part of life raising my sons. As long as no one is really getting hurt, I’m cool. This family has 3 little boys, and I […]

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w o n d e r .  A word to describe the way I feel about my work.  What it is that I’m drawn to, and what it is that I want to show families. I get absolutely giddy when I get to shoot at the beach. The light and sound of the ocean just […]

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I had so much fun with this lovely family. They were just happy to be together, hanging out with me and the sunshine. The girls were a delight, letting me put them in front of all kinds of glorious light. I could feel the love and respect they had for each other when we were […]

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Just capture us as we are. That is just what we did. The time spent together was full of laughter, play and beautiful light.

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