An emotion driven experience

I am so excited to post my first Letters to Our Sons! I’ve joined an amazingly talented group of ladies.  A blog circle of  photographers, who are all wonderful mommies to boys!

Dear Christopher,

Fall is in the air and you love to collect sticks and leaves. You ask me everyday if you can please bring the leaves and sticks into the house. You like to use them as “lumber” for your train tracks. Trains are a vital part of your day. There are three separate train tracks through out the house as I write this. Your imagination is wonderful and it brings an instant smile to my face listening to you talk to your trains. You are enjoying Pre-K and actually bring home art projects for me now! For a mommy of two boys I treasure each piece of art that comes home. Our daily routine consists of taking Ryan to school, walking back home and having a “snack” and you are off building a fort from the couch pillows, or playing in your teepee. You are all boy. Usually dirty, too tough to let mommy hold you if you fall down, and have a very little boy sense of humor. But you also have this side of you that runs full speed to me at pick up from school. Love to snuggle up to me if I’m sitting on the couch, and always grab to hold my hand while we are on walks. You are my youngest and absolutely the momma’s boy. I don’t mind at all.
~ mommyContinue the circle and take a peek at the talented Kara’s letter,



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  1. […] continue on through the circle with my friend and crazy talented photographer Kristin Dokoza to read her heartfelt […]

  2. Katrina says:

    Kristin, I just love this! There is something so special about a little boy’s love for his mom. <3 My youngest is full of imagination too — love little boy imaginations! I'm so glad to have you in our blog circle and can't wait to get to know you and your boys better each month.

  3. aimee swanson says:

    love this. so special. he will treasure these words!


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